GitHub Repository


git clone ~/Repositories/peda    # clone PEDA repository
echo "source ~/Repositories/peda/" >> ~/.gdbinit             # make GDB load PEDA


aslr        # Show/set ASLR setting of GDB
checksec    # Check for various security options of binary
dumpargs    # Display arguments passed to a function when stopped at a call instruction
dumprop     # Dump all ROP gadgets in specific memory range
elfheader   # Get headers information from debugged ELF file
elfsymbol   # Get non-debugging symbol information from an ELF file
lookup      # Search for all addresses/references to addresses which belong to a memory range
patch       # Patch memory start at an address with string/hexstring/int
pattern     # Generate, search, or write a cyclic pattern to memory
procinfo    # Display various info from /proc/pid/
pshow       # Show various PEDA options and other settings
pset        # Set various PEDA options and other settings
readelf     # Get headers information from an ELF file
ropgadget   # Get common ROP gadgets of binary or library
ropsearch   # Search for ROP gadgets in memory
shellcode   # Generate or download common shellcodes.
skeleton    # Generate python exploit code template
vmmap       # Get virtual mapping address ranges of section(s) in debugged process
xormem      # XOR a memory region with a key
find        # Search for a pattern in memory; support regex search